Bob Karp Background

Bob is a native of California, growing up in the Los Angeles area, before moving as an adult to Oceanside, California.  He is a graduate of UCLA, has owned and operated a small manufacturing aerospace company, a software development company, and after retirement here in Arizona, a Real Estate company.  He moved to Cochise County in 2005 and currently lives in Sierra Vista.  He is single.
His community service includes a member of the board of directors of the Southeast Arizona Association of REALTORS and the Multiple Listing Service and 2015 President of both organizations.  He served on the Sierra Vista City Planning & Zoning commission.
Bob ran for Arizona House of Representatives  LD14 in 2018 and the State Senate in 2020.

Statement included in the Arizona Voter Information Pamphlet for LD19

I am running for Arizona State Senate legislative district 19 because I believe that democracy is best served by a vigorous discussion of the issues facing our state government.  For too long opposing viewpoints are routinely ignored by our state elected officials. A strong multi-party system helps ensure that those in power are held accountable by the voters.
Arizona state government must Invest in public education that guarantees ALL students in Arizona outstanding schools,  build a modern infrastructure; stop tax breaks to special interests; allow local governments to govern; support economic fairness; champion diversity and inclusion, create an environment for sustained economic growth that provides good jobs and good pay checks for workers in rural Arizona while protecting our precious natural resources and environment; protect a women’s reproductive healthcare.
If elected, I will work hard as your state representative to be a voice for southeastern Arizona counties of Cochise, Greenlee, Graham. Santa Cruz and Pima.
I pledge to listen to everyone, respecting those that do not agree with me, representing all of you, ethically, honestly, effectively and professionally.
Republicans have controlled the state legislature for over three decades.  It is time for new responsible  leadership in southeastern Arizona.