Governor Hobbs – veto SB1221
We can do a better job of regulating groundwater pumping if we flip the state legislature - don't settle for a poor solution
Progressive group joins the fight to block lifetime appointments for AZ Supreme Court judges
Here's an idea. Vote for me! I'm running against Senator Gowan in the November general election
Arizona Agenda: Some good bills the passed and were signed by the governor this session
April 22, 2024 More campaign finance reports: Statewide officeholders will now have to file campaign finance reports each quarter of all four years of their term, rather than only during one year of their term. That’s thanks to Senate Bill 1571, a strike-everything amendment to a bill from Republican Sen. T.J. Shope. Free police reports: Victims of domestic violence... Continue reading→
Washington Post on the Arizona abortion ban including polling
Post by @rwkarp View on Threads
Arizona abortion ban – how young voters are reacting
Post by @rwkarp View on Threads
Kari Lake on the Arizona 1864 anti-abortion law
There is no reason to believe any Arizona Republican has changed their viewpoint on abortion no matter what they say. They lie continually and there is a record of the duplicity Kari Lake on the 1864 anti-abortion law Learn more 1864
Arizona House adjourns without taking up a repeal of the 1864 abortion ban
Republicans run from dealing with the results of their complicity in rolling back rights to the civil war era
AZ Supreme Court allows 1864 abortion law to stand
Don't just get angry - vote! This is the Republicans doing. Throw them out of the state legislature this November.
CNN tells the story of how David Stevens wasted 200K of taxpayer dollars on ballot paper
Conspiracy theories cost Cochise County taxpayers real money